SHK blades excel in a variety of industries.
Shinko-Hamono's products are utilized
across a wide range of industries.

Many of Shinko-Hamono’s products are incorporated into machinery,
so they are not commonly seen in everyday life.
However, many of the familiar items such as automobiles,
building foundations, home appliances, and ships are made from
steel plates and bars processed with Shinko-Hamono’s products.
Especially in steel mills, which operate 24 hours a day at the upstream of steel plate processing,
Shinko-Hamono’s products play a crucial role in supporting the foundation of manufacturing.
They bear a significant responsibility in sustaining the core of the manufacturing process.
In recent years, Shinko-Hamono has also focused on developing blades for recycling metal scraps, plastics,
and used tires, aiming to contribute to a more sustainable society.

Steel Manufacturing
高炉・電炉・非鉄 各ミル

Secondary Processing

産業廃棄物中間処理(鉄スクラップ用) 廃プラ・木くず・廃タイヤ・その他廃棄物処理の一次、二次破砕

(Fixed Blades and Rotary Blades)

Machine Parts
高剛性タイプのマシニングセンター 大型射出成型機等で使用される焼入スライドウェイ スリッター・サイドトリミング・シャーリング等に使用されるホルダー部品